Assisting your quest for peace of mind and a happy home!
How would it feel to want to come home? How about a peaceful home, thats chaos free! "Specializing in giving you a quick, easy and fun home makeover." Harmonize your home it's fun practical and it will change your life! All your home and health needs: "De-Cluttering Home, Energetic House Clearings, Wardrobe Editing, Health Assessments, Organizing, Energy Healing, Stress Management, Lifestyle Coach" Maura is a holistic health practitioner with over thirty years of practical knowledge. (978) 979-9533 [email protected] "Very Helpful Feng Shui Fact" According to Feng Shui, when you have a mirror or reflective surface (including the shiny, black screen of a TV or computer on standby) opposite from or at the side of your bed, this can lead to a number of issues. Because the mirror is essentially “doubling” your body, it can also double any current health issues you may have (including physical, emotional, and mental problems). Not only that, but it can lead to bad dreams, problems falling asleep, and can even interfere with the harmony of your relationship! A quick and easy fix for this is to cover any mirror or shiny surface with a scarf, curtain, or a fold-out screen while you sleep. Free 15 minute inspirational phone sessionHow does |